Improving Quality of Life After Cardiac Arrest: Impact of Thearpeutic Cooling

Therapeutic Cooling Post Cardiac Arrest-   Sudden death in victims post cardiac arrest is an emergent pandemic. The purpose of this presentation is to share the evidence on a therapy which is positively impacting the quality of life in survivors of cardiac arrest. Survivors, who would otherwise emerge from their life threatening experience with neurological deficits that negatively impact their quality of life, are rehabilitating to their baseline life style. The program will consist of presentations by two prominent Emergency Physicians who will address the objectives based upon their clinical experience and growing database with therapeutic cooling culminating in a Panel for dialogue with attendees. The attendees will have the opportunity to hear first hand the findings of these two researchers who have been leading their resuscitation teams in outcomes management for quality improvement.

Identify historical perspective on epidemiology of cardiac arrest. Define the nature and scope of therapeutic cooling post cardiac arrest. Explain rationale for application of therapeutic cooling to improve neurological outcomes. Review landmark studies and other current literature. Discuss results of expanding clinical database of experiences.

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Expires 10/1/12

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